Sobre lineamientos editoriales en medios de comunicación 10/2002

Sobre lineamientos editoriales en medios de comunicación 10/2002

Autor: Willi Noack

Publicado: 19.10.2002

Google News is highly unusual in that it offers a news service compiled solely by computer algorithms without human intervention. Google employs no editors, managing editors, or executive editors. While the sources of the news vary in perspective and editorial approach, their selection for inclusion is done without regard to political viewpoint or ideology. While this may lead to some occasionally unusual and contradictory groupings, it is exactly this variety that makes Google News a valuable source of information on the important issues of the day.

Sería un sueño contar en el Internet con un servicio automático de búsqueda de artículos de opinión, similar a Google news, eliminando la subjetividad inevitable de un “moderador”. N.d.R.

fecha: 2002-10-19 18:54:30
autor: Willi Noack

Editor: Willi Noack | Administración Técnica: Jose Carlos Choque Y. | Creatica Ltda.